Felis Regius


HP: 15

Speed: 20 feet

Defense: 7


Head: 3

Arm: 3

Leg: 2

Felis Regius are long lanky creatures with fur covering most of their body. The only spots that don’t have fur on them are the underside of their belly which is covered with long, thick belly scoots and a line of thin scales above their eyes. The inside of their ears also have very little fur and are mostly made up of exposed skin. They have an average body length (between shoulder blades to base of their tail) of 3 feet and their neck and tail tend to be about one foot in length each. Their legs are rather short for their long bodies causing them to stand at a height of only one foot (from ground to shoulder).

At one point in time these creatures were able to be found in the wild, but most have been domesticated at this time causing them to only really thrive within an Animalian’s home and care. This isn’t to say that they aren't able to defend themselves as their sharp claws, teeth and twisting body can become fierce weapons if they feel threatened. Because of this it is highly suggested that if an Animalian wishes to have a Felis Regius as a pet they either obtain an already trained one or be prepared to spend a lot of time training one themselves as an untrained Felis Regius can cause chaos for the owner and everyone around them.

Although Felis Regius can eat fruits and vegetables, they rarely do so willingly. Their main diet should consist mostly of fresh meat that can be raw or cooked. Many Felis Regius will have a preference of what kind of meat they want to eat and their reaction to being given food they don’t want will vary in severity from Felis Regius to Felis Regius. Most Felis Regius will tear their meat into small bite size chunks for easy consumption, however it is not unheard of for one of them to swallow a prey item whole.

The sheer number of breeds that a Felis Regius can take on are staggering. From color, to fur length to scale thickness (or lack of scales) there is a breed out there that everyone can appreciate. Many breed colors are tied to fur type such as the Axanthic Ragamuffin which has a gray coloring of spots and stripes with long fur. However, a number of different breeders have had success mixing breeds to get the colors of one breed onto the fur and body style of others.

The ‘Cat Eyed Serpentes’ have a strong connection to these creatures and consider them to be sacred. Many within this group will be given a Felis Regius as a pet at a young age. They are expected to care for and live with the creature for its whole life. After the creature dies most will find another friend to spend their life with. The average lifespan of a Felis Regius is 15 years with the oldest having lived to 30 years old.


Mega Bite

Nothing beats a good old bite to the face. Your bite or peck attack deals additional damage equal to your head skill.

Trip Up

As a reaction, if a creature moves within 5 feet of you, you can use an action point to cause them to make a leg skill check greater than 6 + your leg skill. If failed, they instantly gain the fallen condition.



Deals: Piercing damage

Requires: Head skill of 0 (deals 1d4)

Range: 5 feet

AP: 2 AP


Deals: Slashing damage

Requires: Arm skill of 0 (deals 1D4)

Range: 5 feet

AP: 2 AP


AP: 2 AP

Requires: Fur

Range: 5 feet

Actions: You warp your body around your foe’s airways. Clamping your body tightly around them, your long fur getting in their airway and tight body making it hard to get more air. Any foe you are wrapped around must make a head skill check greater than 10 at the start of their foes round. If failed then they gain the fallen condition. However any attack they make that targets you has advantage on it’s to hit roll.

Felis Regius Items

Most Animalian would agree that using a Felis Regius for items, food or weapons would be weird if not gross. However, there are no laws outside of the Cat Eye Serpentes range against it so on occasion these items can be found in shops, although most will need to be asked for specifically from a shop keep as they tend to not keep them on display as they don’t want to turn off prospective buyers.


Any Serpentes belonging to the ‘cat eye Serpentes’ would consider eating Felis Regius to be not only unethical but also insulting and sacrilegious. However there are some Animalian that rather like the taste of the creature and to them its no different than eating any other creature. These animalian will either find a Felis Regius breeder that may have too much stock and are willing to sell them under the table or will hunt down feral Felis Regius in order to get their hands on these dishes.


Occasionally when a strong fighter that fights alongside a Felis Regius has their pet and companion die they will attempt to honor them and continue fighting alongside them even after they die by transforming their remains into a weapon. It is thought that any Felis Regius weapons on the market were all made from these situations and then sold after the fighter died or got to old to adventure.


When a loved pet dies some Animalian can’t ever picture parting with them and so in order to keep the memory of their loved creature around they may taxidermy it or turn its remains into some kind of clothing. This allows them to still be part of the Animalians daily life despite no longer being alive. These items occasionally find their way into shops either because the owner died or fell on hard times and needed the extra cash.