The Animalia Almanac Project

This project’s goal is to make a TTRPG (Table Top Role Playing Game) based on real-world. In this system we explore animals natural abilities as well as make fun legends to explain how they obtained their names, where they are found, what they look like, and how they got their unique talents.

There are four main playable species within this world; Aves (a bird-based species), Serpentes (a snake-based species), Coleoptera (a beetle-based species), and Vulpes (a fox-based species). Each of these species includes a variety of playable subspecies within it that gives great varity even inside of a single species(Ex: Rock Dove, Emperor Penguin, and American Robins are examples of Aves subspecies). Each of these subspecies have their own skills and abilities based on the animal's real-life qualities and quirks.

Combat and Creatures

Along with unique animal characters and fun legends, this TTRPG also has a combat system that promotes teamwork within your adventuring party. Every round, you are given incentives to help your teammates to defeat your foe rather than focusing on solely on your own actions. There is very little downtime when waiting for your turn as you and your allies are all constantly working together to help find the best and coolest ways to destroy your enemies.

Speaking of enemies, there are many types of foes found in the world of Animalia. Of course corrupt leaders and cunning bandits can be found in this world, but also a variety of savage creatures hidden in the wilds. These creatures have strange attributes and physical characteristics that are combinations of different kinds of real-world animals. Not only do they have an odd genetic makeup, but they also are riddled with something known as Animalia particles. These particles are the secret to the creature's special abilities.

Special items can be found and crafted throughout your adventure that harness these Animalia particles to make useful gear for navigating your next adventure. For example, if a creature has the ability to glow, then a cloak made out of its hide would also be able to glow.

Skills and Talents

Navigating these lands will require more than just teamwork and unique items. Your body will be tested alongside your quick wit and problem-solving skills. With the combined power of your head, arms and legs, there is little you can not do. You will earn skill points for each one of these body parts, but it's up to you to decide what ones are more important to your character’s progression and assign those points accordingly. As you travel, you will also gain talents specific to your personal experiences that will help you face the challenges that await you.

There are many tales to tell, legends to explore, and adventures that await you in the world of Animalia. What will your story be?